Marina Romani Perez

Marina Romani Perez

About her:

In 2007, I obtained my undergraduate degree in Molecular Biology at University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Afterwards, in 2009, I completed my PhD in the University of Vigo (Spain). During this period, I investigated the role of the hormone GLP-1 (glucagon like peptide 1) and its analogues on lung function and maturation. In 2014, I joined to NutriNeuro lab, a mixed unit integrated by INRA and the University of Bordeaux, for investigating the long-term consequences of early life stress and nutrition on the energy homeostasis control and food motivated behaviour and the influence of type 2 diabetes on the development of mood disorders. Currently, I work in the Microbial Ecology, Nutrition and Health Research Unit (IATA-CSIC, Valencia, Spain) where I am mainly involved in study the role of gut microbiota on the modulation of energy homeostasis using animal models of diet induced obesity.


About her talk:

In the presentation in the MyNewGut workshop I will show the investigations that we have conducted for getting insight into the mode of action of the probiotic Bacteroides uniformis CECT 7771 for preventing obesity and our results regarding the fibre enriched diet-based strategies for increasing its effectiveness