Kyriaki Myrissa

Kyriaki Myrissa

About her:

Current position: Lecturer in Nutrition and Health and Exercise Science at St Mary’s University, Twickenham.

My research focuses on appetite and body weight control, predictors of weight loss and weight loss maintenance, functional foods and wellbeing and research methods. I obtained a BSc in Psychology in 2009 from the University of Leeds where she began her research career with a Masters by Research (2011) and continued with completing her PhD (2016) entitled “Putting the person back into weight loss and weight loss maintenance: the role of affect, cognition, behaviour and motivation”.

My research activity focus on appetite, nutrition, lifestyle interventions and body weight control; Dietary factors in the aetiology of obesity and overweight (e.g. the role of dietary fibre); Resistance and susceptibility to weight loss/(re)gain (psychological/behavioural risk factors); Effect of diet/food intake on self-reported physical and psychological wellbeing. I have experience working on nutritional projects using advanced quantitative methods in order to investigate effects of functional foods on physiological and psychological wellbeing. I am also interested in the design, implementation and evaluation of complex lifestyle interventions aiming to improve health in adults and children.

About her talk:

The presentation is going to cover physiological and psychological predictors of weight loss and weight loss maintenance in free-living individuals who participated in a 12 week healthy eating dietary intervention with or without advice to increase dietary fibre. The implications of these characteristics in the design and development of future interventions is also going to be discussed.